57th Annual International
Snowmobile Congress
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
June 11–14, 2025

Major Sponsors
Welcome To The PEI Snowmobile Association
The PEI Snowmobile Association is a membership of over 3000 snowmobilers and outdoor enthusiasts who endeavor to educate the public about the sport of snowmobiling, enhance the riding experience on our Island, promote safety, and provide opportunities for family recreation.
Snowmobiling in PEI is one of the best activities this Island has to offer. With amazing riding, and over 900 kilometers of groomed trails, PEI has a little bit to offer for everyone.
The PEI Snowmobile Association is very happy that you have come to our site and and we hope you find the information your looking for.

Most Popular
Where To Buy
Find al the locations across the island where permits can be purchased
Rebate Program
Save if more than two trail permits are purchased
Buy A Permit
Save a $100.00 if you purchase before December 31
Approximately 900 kilometers of majestic groomed trails from Tignish in the west to Elmira in the east of PEI.
Local Businesses
We have over 50 business partners who pay a yearly fee to be associated with our map and signage program.
Pieces OF Equipment
We have over 18 pieces of equipment keeping the trails groomed and in tip-top running shape.
About PEI Snowmobile Association

Read our latest press releases and announcements from the PEI Snowmobiling Association on news and events related to organized snowmobiling in Prince Edward Island.

Are you interested in connecting with snowmobilers? Do you have a product or service that is a must-have? Explore our advertising, partnership, tender, and career opportunities.

The best way to understand the trail system, to truly become an expert, is to get out there in the fall when we clear brush, build bridges and mark the route with signs.
Interactive Trail Guides
We are pleased to announce the release of the brand new Interactive Trail Guide App! The FREE version is available for access to the latest trail availability with or without cell service and internet.
Other Sponsors

Bell’s Service Center

Cook’s Corner

Dad’s Country Store

Elmsdale Corner Gas & Convenience

Greenfield Storm Riders

Harpers Automotive

Kinkora Irving

Millar’s Esso

Mount Stewart Irving

New Annan Irving

O’Neils Plate & Palette

O’Leary Farmers Shell & Convenience

Oyster Bed Esso

Rustico Auto Service

Shirley’s Café (Tignish)

Stanley Bridge Race Trac Gas

The Boxcar Pub & Grill

Tignish Co-Op Gas Bar

Wellington Service Station

The Red Rooster Restaurant

Winsloe Irving

Straight Goods

Western Sledders Snowmobile Club

Drummond Collision Centre

J.S. Plumbing & Heating

Coaches Restaurant & Sports Bar