Today’s trail report involves the town of Kensington, after a really busy weekend on the KASA trails I would just like to say a few things about the trail going through Kensington. I would like to ask that all sledders please follow the marked path for fuel, this means you exit of the confederation trail at the train station and follow the marked path behind Murphy’s pharmacy, then behind Bank of Nova Scotia to Bells Irving service station. You are allowed to cross the road to get to Petro Canada if need be. I would ask that you do not drive on the sidewalks or up and down the streets! Kensington Police services have been very understanding but there patients are getting thin. There is no need to drive a snowmobile on the road or the sidewalk at all. There is a great parking lot next to Bells Irving or adequate parking at the train station. If you need Tim’s or friends and family restaurant please park and walk.
I hope to have everyone on board with this as we do not want to end up like Summerside! No way in or out!
Last thing I need to say is please SLOW down, there is no need of going fast through town! All your doing is ruining it for everyone else. Enjoy the trails, it’s for everyone, ride safe, and keep right.
Thanks RussJ