Central Has been running just not able to post til now.  Ran thru the week before we got the snow and drifting again on Wednesday\Thursday.  Groomer left Charlottetown on Friday morning and headed to Summerside.  Areas were drifted in but the snow is soft and sugary so was able to get thru easily.  Noticing so trespassing in areas where we dont have permission to use.  This is the number one reason why we lose trails.  please stick to the trails when at all possible.  Snow is lacking in the western part of the province and get really slack in Kensington.  Turned at the grain elevators just past Kensington and proceeded to Borden.  Only a few areas on the way there that the snow is sparse but being told it  is good overall.  Returned to Emerald and came back to Charlottetown to open to coach’s, Check out there sledder specials (take your helmet with you)  they had save the tax.  When out be sure to thank the sponsors as they appreciate the business from the sledders.  Its been slow the last few seasons so anything is great.  The North Side trail(212) was opened last week when the snow was dropping with the warm temps and did another pass early saturday morning.  With the long weekend ahead there will be lots of traffic so slow down  stay to the right enjoy the outdoors and sled safe.  Plan to do another maintenence run later this weekend and will adjust areas as need by what the traffic patterns show.  Thank to all the groomer operators across the island.  We had a few emails about inquiring about grooming and will try to get back to people when time permits and have them in with people when time permits as well


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