by Admin | Feb 1, 2025 | Island 4 Trail
Island # 4 left from Grandview on Thursday afternoon and headed towards Mt. Stewart on the #104. We also did a pass into Mt. Herbert on the #105 before continuing on to Mt. Stewart, before returning and running all the way down to Murray Harbour and Ocean Acres on the...
by Admin | Feb 26, 2024 | Island 4 Trail
Groomer left Grandview heading for Ashton on the # 217 and # 221. There are a couple fields in Greenfield that were not able to be groomed due to some water laying in the fields, does not effect snowmobiles but groomer is heavier and we didn’t want any issues....
by Admin | Feb 21, 2024 | Island 4 Trail
After the busy long weekend on the eastern trail system the Island # 4 left Grandview on Monday February 19th evening heading on the #104 to Uigg where it hopped on to the # 217 through Greenfield going to New Perth and then heading up the #221 to Ashton through...
by Admin | Feb 19, 2024 | Island 4 Trail
It was another extremely busy day again on the Eastern Trail system. Between trucks and trailers from all over PEI and the many sledders who are able to access the trail system by snowmobile there was heavy traffic on all the trails. Speaking with some of our...
by Admin | Feb 18, 2024 | Island 4 Trail
What a Saturday it was on the eastern trail system. Trailer load after trailer load of sleds heading east with hundreds of sleds enjoying the close to 350 kms of trail. By evening some of the most heavily traveled areas were showing the effects of the heavy traffic...
by Admin | Feb 17, 2024 | Island 4 Trail
It has been a busy couple of days with three groomers going in the east, trying to get everything opened after the wind and snow from Thursday. All trails in the east have been given a minimum of two passes with some sections like the #103 from Mt. Stewart to New...