PEI Snowmobile Association Permit Rules

  • The purchaser is responsible for permit
  • Lost permits will not be replaced
  • Permits are per snowmobile, not per person
  • Replacements permit will only be given if proof of destroyed permit can be presented (must have pieces of the original sticker) and there will be cost of $10.
  • Permit must be attached to snowmobile in the proper position:

No person shall operate an off-highway vehicle on the Confederation Trail unless

(a) the person holds a permit; and

(b) the permit is affixed to the off-highway vehicle

(i) on the upper left (as determined from the seated position of the operator) of the centre of the outside of the windshield, or

(ii) on the top and to the left (as determined from the seated position of the operator) of the centre of the engine cowling.

For more information on Permit Rules and Off Highway Vehicles

Off-highway Vehicle Act


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