Sunday morning after the storm, the #1 groomer left Grandview on the 104 punching through large drifts with the box drag on. The groomer continued on the 105 into Mount Herbert doubling back to the 104 then heading towards Mount Stewart. From there, worked it’s way into Winsloe on the 100 doubling back to Mount Stewart. Then proceeded, with help from the  #4 groomer, to bust their way to the 100 taking them to Elmira. Then doubling back to the 106 and headed into Souris. After almost 96 hours of opening trails the #1 groomer now has the grooming drag on and is heading on the 104 to Mount Stewart. The groomer is proceeding to the 100 into Winsloe doubling back on the same trail to home base before the mild weather hits on Thursday.

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